Gamma binaural beats side effects
Gamma binaural beats side effects

Further literature examining psychoacoustic stimulation in the form of a binaural beat finds evidence to suggest that binaural beat entrainment is able to regulate psychomotor skills as well as mood. Interestingly, literature has also examined music (specifically the Mozart Effect) in pertinence to child creativity. Additionally, observations highlight that those with schizophrenia demonstrate an exaggerated creative ability in comparison to those without schizophrenia. Meta-analyses reveal that, independent of anti-psychotic drugs, striatal D2 and D3 receptor density is, on average, 10–20% higher in those with schizophrenia. Moreover, there appears to be a relationship between creativity and the interactions between striatal and frontal dopaminergic neuronal pathways. In relation to human creativity, literature has examined its dependence on the neurotransmitter dopamine. Finally, correlation analysis revealed a stronger R \(^2\) value (0.9838) within the 40 Hz group between sessions as well as mood score when compared across the entire frequency group cohort.

gamma binaural beats side effects

In pertinence to the mood scores, a negative correlation across all populations were noted, inferring an overall increase in mood due to lower scores correlating with elevated mood. Similarly, memory score improvements at a greater significance ( \(\alpha\) = 0.05, p = 0.0027) were noted, elevating from an average of 87% to 95%. With respect to the Gamma 40 Hz entrainment frequency population, we observed a mean improvement in cognitive scores, elevating from 75% average to 85% average upon conclusion of the experimentation at weak statistical significance ( \(\alpha\) = 0.10, p = 0.076). The mood assessment scores were collected from sessions 1, 4 and 8, respectively. Additionally, participants were assessed based on their cognitive abilities, mood as well as memory, where the cognitive and memory assessments occurred before and after a 5-min binaural beat stimulation. Participants attended a total of eight entrainment frequency sessions twice over the duration of a 4-week period. Participants constituted towards three binaural entrainment frequency groups: the 40 Hz, 25 Hz and 100 Hz. Here we provide evidence with an exploratory pilot study that through the use of a Gamma 40 Hz entrainment frequency, mood, memory and cognition can be improved with respect to a 9-participant cohort.

Gamma binaural beats side effects